Customer Story How Darya improved
team transparency
with ClickUp Goals.

Feature: ClickUp Goals
Industry: Technology
Use Cases: Task, Asset,
& Event Management
How Darya Improved  Team Transparency with ClickUp Goals.
Darya, Communications Lead
“ClickUp proved to be a really flexible solution that can be customized in various ways. ClickUp Goals provided the team with a clear picture of the overall product launch timeline and visibility into how smaller completed tasks help contribute to the company success.”
Darya, Communications Lead
About us


HYPERVSN is an award-winning British technology company, responsible for creating the world’s first Integrated 3D Holographic Display System. Their focus remains on "providing new and compelling products that push the boundaries of visual 3D holographic technology."

From the local headquarters located in London, England, HYPERVSN services 170+ partners in over 80 countries and has grown to employ over 150 people throughout 6 countries including USA, Germany, and Italy.

With teams in Hardware & Software Engineering, Operations, Finance, Sales, Marketing, and Design spread across different countries, HYPERVSN needed to hone in their communication—enter Darya to help with that!

Communications Lead, Darya Krakovyak, manages the company's events and promotion planning across the globe. Her number one goal? Improve project visibility and create team transparency to deliver successful product launches.

The Mission

Darya needed to scope work more effectively, organize assets, and improve communication for events and new product launches.


The challenges.

The combination of teams working in different time zones, toggling between multiple work tools every day, and the lack of structure in their workflow resulted in scattered communication and missed updates. This ultimately caused chaotic product launches and led to other organizational challenges such as poor project visibility, asset management, and cross-departmental collaboration.

Lack of Visibility & Asset Organization

Because the HYPERVSN team lacked project visibility and proper asset management, it made it difficult to manage and communicate updates.

The team's resources, tasks, and assets were scattered across different work tools and there were too many processes that made it hard to track and structure project goals. Ultimately, these work tools didn't meet their business needs. They've tried Asana, Jira, Trello, and other project management tools but found their UX and UI inflexible and unaccommodating to their project needs and workflow preferences.

Without project visibility and a clear way to organize and access important project needs, HYPERVSN struggled to deliver efficiently.

Poor Cross-Departmental Collaboration

The lack of organization and project visibility affected the other parts of the business. The unclear project goals and timeline caused poor communication and cross-departmental collaboration; leadership and team members spent hours each week trying to find what they needed when they needed it.

This led to improper reporting and sometimes, missed deadlines; often, they found themselves scrambling to get answers from other teams and scheduling emergency meetings. Darya's team often found themselves learning about project changes through word of mouth, which clearly wasn't the most effective way.

Needless to say, these events ultimately lead to process inefficiencies and chaos at work since employees couldn't access the information the teams needed in order to stay up to date with important changes.
"Sales, Marketing, Design Lab, Logistics, Engineering, and Support need to do their tasks in a specific order for the customer’s project to be a success—it used to be an absolute pain. Without the ability to track project timeline, goals, and global teams' tasks all in one place, we struggled to get all the pieces for events on time.”
Darya, Communications Lead

How ClickUp saved the day.

Darya and the HYPERVSN team set out on a mission to eliminate this misalignment and ensure global teams had transparency into launch tasks, timelines, and goals. 

Set & achieve your goals.

Manage team and company-wide objectives like Darya using Goals in ClickUp.

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Set & achieve your goals.

Goals helped create a structure for new product launches.

With ClickUp Goals, HYPERVSN is now able to create structured product launch strategies and set trackable goals, keeping them aligned and on pace for new product releases.

ClickUp Goals enable the team to create clear project targets, visualize the scope, set priorities and timelines, and create visibility for any company OKRs.

“ClickUp Goals help keep the focus of each and every department’s member on what’s really important, which is critical when the new product is being launched.”

They're now able to measure success with key results, share and track metrics with global teams in an organized manner.

Improved task & project visibility.

Due to ClickUp's inherent customization capabilities, HYPERVSN was able to create a systems-based approach to manage projects and company OKRs in the same place as their company communications, asset management, and tasks. With the ability to link project deliverables with launch goals, Darya is able to automate progress tracking while still ensuring global teams were kept in the loop.

“With all the multiple pieces it’s easy to lose track of things and start struggling with priorities.

ClickUp Goals enabled team was able to gain a clear picture of the overall pipeline and timeline and can now see how smaller completed tasks of theirs help contribute to the company's success.”

The results.

With the help of ClickUp Goals, HYPERVSN's leadership and team members are able to effectively visualize project goals and create visibility surrounding launch updates for distributed teams around the globe.

ClickUp Goals enable Darya and her team to limit outdated and unreliable communication systems like email and phone calls for a more scalable approach.

Now, everyone has easy access to view important metrics, assets, and project details all in one place, replacing the once scattered communication environment with a more structured workflow for project launches.

The results.

The ClickUp difference.

Make the most of your goal management with task Watchers, measurable Goal Targets, and Task Tray.

Team Alignment
FEATURE benefit

Team Alignment.

Goals in ClickUp will help teams stay on track to hit their goals with clear timelines, measurable targets, and automatic progress tracking. Creating structure and alignment among teams with Goals allowed Darya and HYPERVSN to communicate priorities more efficiently.
What I Love Most


Darya uses the Watchers feature in tasks to improve transparency and collaboration among departments. Watchers receive notifications when any changes are made within a task, eliminating the need to relay updates through word of mouth and meetings.
Task Tray
Pro Tip

Task Tray.

Task Tray helps Darya and her team to organize tasks efficiently and keep important items pinned to ensure they're visible and easy to revisit. There’s no need to have too many tabs open and accounts on various tools created to be on track with everything needed—just minimize the tasks instead of opening multiple tabs!

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